2 March 2022


a homosynonym (a newly-invented portmanteau word like "jabberwocky") is a quite interesting kind of word, quite different to an antonym...

An antonym is a word that looks the same as another word, but which has a different meaning; whereas, a homosynonym  is a word which sounds like another word (homonym), and means the same sort of thing (synonym), but in a different way (kind of like a pun with its wires crossed). 

a classic (neoclassical, perhaps) example is Ai which is either: 

1. a slothful natural creature who seems to just hang around in trees, and(or?)

2. a highly energetic artificial creature (like Alphago) which rushes around in trees. 

It's an awful pun, i know, but i find it nicely ironic that scarey Artificial Intelligence shares its name with a South American monkey that looks quite a bit like cuddly ET (and may even have been the inspiration for that character). 

The pun needs a bit of explaining: Alphago is a tree-searching computer program - the tree in this case being software-imagined possible futures in a game of "Go":

footnote: sloths got their name because early biologists couldn't be bothered waiting around to see what they did because they seemed to just hang there forever (actually, they're just trying to look like part of the tree, it's a camouflage thing) - but more recently, more patient observers have noticed that the minute they glance away, the sloth suddenly vanishes and it's not there any more when they look back - which suggests that the sloth is more intelligent and quicker than the biologist! :)

Example 1afterthought: UKreigns over Ukraine

Which is bullshit, because UK is so fUKtup; it's US who reigns over you, ok!, except even that isn't true because US isn't us, it's THEM:

[ Dyslexia Rules, k.o. !]

NATO is the military wing of the "Octopus" (the cartel of Alphas in our very own Brave New World Order as foreseen by Aldous Huxley), the elite 0.000001% who own and control everything (covertly, behind 6 degrees of separation: A controls B, who controls C, who controls, D, who controls E, who controls your own government laughing called a democracy), including all central banks of the doublethink "free" world, which is the world enchained by the Octopus. That's why NATO wants to crush any alternative to neoliberal capitalism riding under the reins of the Alpha's monopoly of finance ("give me control of a nation's money supply, and i care not who makes its laws").

The Octopus is nothing new; it's being going on for 6000 years, ever since the first ziggurat was built in the city of Ur to hold all the surplus wheat produced by peasants and wage-slaves, so as to enable the king and his high priests to hold the city's populous to ransom during the fallow winter. Money today is what wheat was in those days, the only difference being that wheat does have real (nutritional) value, but money doesn't have any value of its own at all - it's just fiat, which equals credit, or debt, depending on which side of the equation you're on.  

That's why all doublethink-named  Civil Procedure Rules are laws to protect the rich against the poor, the creditor against the debtor; the employer against the employee; "labour laws" being impotent PR fop spin to blow smoke in your Eyes Wide Shut, which like Goldfinger was filmed right in their symbolic house, to thumb their noses at you without your realising it, you dumbass sheep.

There is a viable alternative:

but the only catch is, it will take at least another 6000 years for it to catch on.

2: ppp and ppp 

Most homosynonyms are spelled differently, but there are some - such as johnson and Johnson (two same kinds of pricks in two different ways) - which are spelled the same way as well as sounding the same way and meaning the same thing but in a different way.

ppp and Ppp are a second example; ppp is a protocol used to separate wheat from chaff in point-to-point electronic communications colloquially known as email, and in the quite interesting scintillating repartee jumping over horsey obstacles placed in their way by a horse-faced chair between witty guests on a TV panel game called Qi, whereas:

Piddler's puerile pugilism is the exact opposite, a monotonic avalanche of lame-brained infantile gainsaying argument spewing out of the keyboard of a halfwit troll, smothering the few pearls of Suze et al even before they get a chance to be spread, thereby rendering the original intention of the public contributions Qi forum utterly inutile, and suited only to the utterly inutile, it having turned into nothing more qi than a toilet wall covered in shit-useless egomaniacal old quean's vile bile graffitti.  This may be proof beyond reasonable doubt that qi is the opposite of iq, overwhelming even the other meaning of ppp.

3. 0ups, OUPs, and oops

Open University Pontifications delivers drivel around the world to anyone who will pay to play -

- whereas 0ups is the big zero inside everyone up themselves,

except for the tiny few who know they know nothing so are willing to say "oops" each time they slice their own ball.

4. RT and arty

The first casualty in UKreign war is the truth; the second casualty is anyone like RT who speaks it, who has just been taken out, whereas:

arty is how Artful Dodger spinners see thems elves, as they pick the pockets of the poor to fill the troughs of the pigs that pay them to fuck truth in the Rs.

Welcome to 1984, 2022-style.

5. Angles and angles

Everyone knows the angle of the dangle is proportional to the heat of the meat, even without having to at end school geometry class, 

but it is less well-known that Grande Bretagne is still suffering under the yoke of the invading Angles, which ruined its language, despoiled its froggy cuisine, and blew smoke in the faces of Joe Blowitupyerarse golfers, who can't see that the slower you swing, the further the ball goes, because it's all about angles, except for the horizontal armswing angle, which should be 0 but so often isn't.

6. Trussed, trussed and trust

You can trust your bottom dollar that you can't trust Boris, but what about Truss?  She made her name in Brexit by complaining about imported French cheese, and now she's in charge of trussing up black pomegranates and sending them back to France - the coloured ones, that is.  But as in West Side Story, where 

"Life can be bright in the UK rain,
Kyle can all fight in the Uk-reign;
Life is alright in the UK complain,
If you're all white on the UK plains!"

So if you're White Russian from Ukraine and aren't Red and don't speak Russian, UKreigns Truss will take your reins, throw off your trusses, and welcome you to English rains with open arms sales.

7.  Why vet death?

Now that there are only 5,000 new covid infections per day, Queensland Health Minister Yvette de'Ath, on the instructions of Australian Prime Minister Bruce LickinUSars, has declared that no-one need wear a mask any more, as his bosses need those death figures to get back up, to reduce the load of aged drains on the profit market (sorry, i meant to say 'the economy').

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