22 October 2023

The Deadly Pseudoscience of Dr Kirkpatrick

Buggy Microsoft Windows became famous for getting its knickers in a twist and going into a catatonic Blue Screen .  But by giving it a "Brain Reset" - switching it off, and then back on again, it lost its memory of what had bothered it, and it could start again as if nothing had ever happened.

Kirkpatrick guessed that he could do the same with hysterical histrionic humans, switching them off into a ketamine coma (just short of brain dead), and switching them on again a while later, by which time they would have lost their memory of whatever it was that had been bugging them.

Unfortunately, Kyle wasn't merely a temporary software memory figment of imagination in Maya's emotionally insecure subconscious which had got its knickers in a twist over her Mom's switch of attention to the new baby, he was still there.  So when the cyclone hit and triggered Round 2 of Maya's Blue Screen Conversion Disorder , Beata's own hysterical histrionic insecurity spiralled down when it hit the bump of Johns Hopkins' commonsense, and headed for the hills, giving Smarmy Anderson his big chance to get rich quick.

God never intended that the hot and sticky southern states of USA would be inhabited by Northern European white men evolved to live in the cooler climes of higher latitudes, so they became a hornet's nest breeding ground for insecure hysterical histrionic nutcases like the Klu Klux Klan, opening the Garden of Eden door of plenty for opportunistic snake-oil salesmen ambulance-chaser rabble-rousers like Alex Murdaugh, Smarmy Anderson, Netflix, Daily Mail, Court TV, Law&Crime Network, Agatha Christie, and Alfred Hitchcock.

it looks like Beata probably did not have MBP after all, because my
Eureka moment copied below (which just has to be accurate!)  indicates
that initially, Beata was responding to Maya's genuine CRPS-ish Conversion Disorder, so it was Maya, not Beata, who started the whole thing.

Then for other reasons (not MBP), Beata went crazy trying to fix
Maya's problem, which would have been as mysterious to her as mine was
to my mother's.  Slightly different symptoms (asthma vs. excema), but
same underlying cause of T-cells over-responding to subconscious

i'm only sorry i didn't figure it out before Beata took her own life.

It does mean that Jack doesn't have to give back the money he got from
Sally Smith, if my guess that it wasn't MBP after all is correct.  So
Maya can keep her new car!

Eureka moment: 10 year-old Maya wasn't always telling the truth, that much is
certain.  But did she know that what she was saying wasn't true?
That's less certain, although she herself did once say when first
admitted that her life was a lie.... but then she maybe enjoyed the
hospital experience (much nicer for her than what she had been going
through before), and tried to prolong it, by pretending.  Is
pretending the same as lying?  As Shakespeare puts it:  "There are
more things going on in Maya's head, Horatio, than are ever dreamed of
in your philosophy"

i speak from personal experience: at Maya's age, i had constantly
itchy fingers and backs of knees, a classic mild form of CRPS, which
drove my own Mum (herself a nurse) crazy trying to solve it.  All the
doctors diagnosed contact dermatitis and prescribed steroid creams and
once even x-ray treatment, burning the affected area.  Nothing worked.

Then, at age 14, i went to France, on a school exchange visit, to stay
for a few weeks with a French family, and the following year, their
son came to stay with us.  I enjoyed France so much, i went back every
summer holiday thereafter.  Every time i came back from France, my
dermatitis had magically cleared up.  It was a miracle.  But a few
weeks after being back in England, my dermatitis came back again.  My
Mum decided it must be the French water, which was softer than chalky
hard English water.  That made sense, because skin tests had showed i
was allergic to chalk (and everything else they tested!).

At age 27, after getting a PhD, i wheedled a visit to the Professor of
Dermatology by pretending to his secretary i was a doctor (only half a
lie, as i was entitled to use the title "Dr").  He took one look, and
said "You have atopic excema.  Change your soap".  I did, and it

30 years later, i got interested in "Biological Computation", and in
the course of my researches, learned that excema is caused by an
overactive immune system susceptible to stress.

I hadn't known it, but my childhood dermatitis was in fact not an
allergy due to topical environmental irritants like chalk and pollen,
but a conversion disorder - a systemic internal immune system overreaction to subconscious stress, which was relieved every time i was living in the French
family, because their mother was, unlike my own, non-judgmental
towards me.

So, Maya, i know how you feel, and why you got asthma conversion disorder  (it's the same fundamental reason i got mine, even though my symptoms looked
and felt different to yours), and why you feel the way you do.

I think your Mom didn't know what she was doing; you can forgive her -
she loved you so much, it drove her crazy trying to solve your
problem, which was a real medical problem (one similar to mine), but
one which you can fix for yourself, simply by becoming aware of what
it really is. 

Update: It's understandable that you can't accept your mother was a danger to you, but your claim that you have got justice demonstrates that you are a narcissist lacking empathy for all the doctors and nurses and child protection staff that saved your life.  That's shameful.  Give the money back.

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